Technology Help

Contact UVA Central IT for issues with NetBadge, Duo, UVA Gmail, SIS, or wireless connectivity. You may be asked to provide your computing ID for certain support needs.


Chromebooks should not be used during sessions in Zoom as they do not support all the features of Zoom you will need.

Video Issues

  • You’ll need a stable, high-speed internet connection.
    • Zoom suggests 1.5 Mbps for both the download and upload speeds, but this is an absolute minimum.
    • If you need to test your internet speed, you may visit to confirm your connection speed.
    • During class, please close all of your non-class internet windows and ask others in your home to limit internet usage.
    • Refrain from streaming (Netflix, internet-based video games, etc.) to reduce burden on your bandwidth during the online class session.
  • If you can’t see participants or host, leave and then enter the session again to see if the issue has been resolved.
  • If the other participants indicate they can’t see you or you notice your video isn’t showing up:
    • Double check to see if your device’s camera is blocked. Many cover their camera when not in use for security and privacy concerns. It’s easy to forget this has been done when trying to troubleshoot.
    • Make sure you are connected to audio/visual via computer and not call-in only as this limits communication to audio only.
    • Confirm your camera is on. Most cameras will have a small light indicating active use.
    • Check the Zoom settings to confirm the desired camera is selected.
    • You can also leave the meeting and return. It is possible permission was not granted initially to allow the camera to have access to the session through Zoom. If this does not work to grant permission, you will need to go to the privacy/security settings within your device to adjust for Zoom access.

Sound Quality

  • You may wish to use a headset with microphone. This can be particularly helpful if you are in a shared area or an area with background noise. Headset/earbud microphones also help others to hear you more clearly when speaking. Wired and wireless are both compatible.
    • Most newer phones come with a set of wired earbuds that include a microphone on the cord.
    • Click here to see an example of a pair of headphones students have found useful.
    • Please note this is NOT a requirement for class participation.
  • Mute your mic when not speaking to make it easier for all to focus on the speaking participant and to avoid unintended background noise sharing. This will also help prevent feedback issues.
  • If you are unable to hear audio from all participants:
    • Make sure your computer/headset volume is turned up and not unintentionally on mute.
    • Check the Zoom settings to confirm the preferred audio out is selected.
    • If using a headset/earbuds, confirm the headset is plugged in and selected as the audio source in Zoom.
    • You can try to unplug/disconnect and then reconnect the headphones/earbuds.
    • You can also leave the meeting and return. It is possible permission was not granted initially to allow the microphone to have access to the session through Zoom. If this does not work to grant permission, you will need to go to the privacy/security settings within your device to adjust for Zoom access.
    • You can join via a phone (direct call in) rather than through the computer audio.
  • If you are unable to hear an individual participant:
    • Kindly ask them to unmute their microphone or send them an individual message in the chat box asking them to unmute.

Content/Screen Sharing Tips

  • Content/screen sharing permissions are set by the host prior to the Zoom session beginning. In most instances, all participants can share within the meeting. If the host wants the participants to share and no one can, the settings would need to be adjusted. Only the host can interrupt an actively shared participant screen.
  • If other participants are unable to see your shared content/screen, try leaving and returning to the meeting.
  • Mac users may need to enable screen sharing within the macOS (this is a one-time configuration; if you already are in Zoom and need to make this change, you will have to make the change, then exit and restart Zoom): Click on the Apple icon in the upper left of your screen > System Preferences > Security & Privacy.  Click the Privacy tab, scroll down to Screen Recording, then check the box on the right for
  • Either the entire desktop or an individual application/program can be shared. If the desktop is shared, all participants can see everything the one sharing is doing, along with everything on the desktop. If an individual app/program is shared, all participants will only see that window.
    • In order to share an individual app/program, the desired app/program must be opened first with the content read to be shown.
  • One you are finished sharing your screen be sure to stop sharing so others can share as needed.
  • Information from Zoom for further support in screen sharing.


  • A meeting host can record a session that can be viewed later for review or as a means of capturing the content and discussion for an absentee member of the class.
  • You will know the session is being recorded as a red indicator shows up on the screen. Please be mindful in what is shared, as well as how it is shared.
  • Recorded sessions can be viewed within Collab in Online Meetings -> Cloud Recordings
  • A reminder that UVA policy prohibits students from recording classes except under approved SDAC accommodations or if authorized by the instructor in the syllabus or with the instructor’s written permission.