Faculty Development

Next Generation NCLEX Faculty Resources
Visit the School of Nursing Next Generation NCLEX Faculty Resources web page for information on workshops, conferences, pre-recorded webinars and videos, and links to resources from NCSBN, ATI, and Elsevier.
Teaching Technology Resources
Visit the School of Nursing Teaching Resources for a broad array of resources.
Resources for New Clinical Faculty and GTAs
- Orientation Manual for Clinical Faculty for clinical faculty and GTAs
- Guidelines for Course and Clinical Faculty in the Faculty/Staff Handbook (NetBadge login required)
American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Resources
AACN (2021) Essentials
- Download a copy of the revised Essentials and access a variety of implementation resources
- AACN's Essentials implementation webinar series
- Implementation tool kit for the revised Essentials
AACN offers multiple newsletters covering a variety of interests related to nursing and nursing education. Newsletters can also be accessed and read on the AACN website. Visit their webpage to sign up for or to read any of these communications.
AACN Online Learning Center
AACN has curated a wide range of learning resources and webinars on their Online Learning Center site. Below are the available options for access and engagement. Note that a membership login may be required for access.
- Upcoming Webinars: view and sign up for any upcoming webinars
- On-Demand Webinars: access over 200 archived webinars
- Digital Conference Library: for access to digital content when attending a conference in-person is not a realistic option
- Learning Modules: included are CNL modules, leadership education modules, and QSEN learning module series
AACN Professional Development
AACN offers opportunities for professional and leadership development including:
- Conferences
- Leadership Development Programs
- Leadership Network Conferences
Funding Support for Faculty Development
- UVA education benefits managed by UVA HR
- Internal funding sources - visit the School of Nursing Intranet for information on the following internal funding sources:
- School of Nursing Scholarly Dissemination Award
- School of Nursing departmental funds: faculty members can seek funding, if available, with their department chair
- Office for Nursing Research
- Visit the ONR website for detailed information on intramural funding sources, UVA research resources, and external resources
- Log into Collab to apply for School of Nursing intramural funding sources
- School of Nursing Lancaster Award
Faculty Development Events
- Faculty Development Series from the Academics Office
These sessions are open to School of Nursing faculty and staff and invitations are sent directly via email.
- School of Nursing Continuing Education
Click here for upcoming events, courses, contact information and more.
- School of Nursing Calendar
Check the calendar for upcoming forums hosted by the School's Office for Nursing Research, Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry, Compassionate Care Initiative, Global Initiatives and more.