The final product is a manuscript ready to submit for publication as well as an oral presentation.

Undergraduate nursing students who demonstrate superior academic performance (GPA of 3.4 or above) are encouraged to apply for the school’s Distinguished Majors Program (DMP) to pursue a substantive project of their own that they would not have the opportunity to develop as part of their regular program of study.

The application process requires students to define a detailed research project and to obtain agreement of a faculty member to guide the research. The final product is a manuscript ready to submit for publication as well as an oral presentation. The student will submit possible journal names and author guidelines to the faculty advisor for approval. It is anticipated that the faculty advisor will be a co-author on most publications although the student must be the first author. The faculty advisor as well as the course professor review the manuscripts and approve the selection of the journal.

More Information

Interested in applying to the School of Nursing's Distinguished Majors Program?  Contact the BSN Academic Program Manager for more information.