Synchronous instruction refers to content that is delivered in live time via a platform such as Zoom. Participants are in a shared online environment with the instructor. 

An inclusive practice for synchronous instruction is being mindful of student access and environment. While having participants share their video can be beneficial, it may create anxiety leading to less engagement and learning. Some students may not have access to high-speed internet which can cause a lapse in video sharing. Some students may not be comfortable in showing their background environments. Consider any policies or expectations that require students to turn on video. Remember, just because someone has their video turned on does not necessarily equate to engagement. 

Content delivery

  • Live lectures are a standard form of synchronous instruction. 
  • Prior to the session, open and/or load all resources that will be needed. This prevents lost time and may help troubleshoot problems before class.

Active learning and engagement in synchronous sessions

  • Provide the agenda prior to or at the beginning of each session. 
  • Create and use break out rooms for discussions.
    • Grouping: Within Zoom, participants can be assigned to groups or randomized.
    • Discussion starters: Students may be more comfortable speaking and sharing in small groups. When the whole group reconvenes, students have already engaged in the topic discussion and will have something to say. 
    • Content-specific groups: Some classes are made up of students within specialties. Creating either same-specialty or varying-specialty discussion groups can lead to robust conversation and enhanced understanding. 
  • Polling within Zoom
    • The polling tool within Zoom provides a means for real-time question and feedback. 
    • Polls can be created ahead of time and uploaded or at any time during the live session. 
    • Results can be shared with all participants for discussion. 
  • Screen sharing
    • Both the host and participants can share an active window or desktop (confirm screen share settings for participants). 
    • When sharing a screen, the presenter can annotate to enhance the experience and draw attention to specific areas or information.
  • Topic facilitators (whole class)
    • Have students sign up (or instructor assign) to facilitate discussions and experiences around specific topics throughout the semester. 
    • Use one of the first sessions to have all students practice screen sharing as part of an introductory activity. For instance, ask all students to prepare one photo ahead of time that reveals something important to them (family, pet, location, etc.) 
    • An optional component is to use this as a graded part of the course. If graded, be sure to provide clear guidance for how the grade will be determined. 
  • Case studies (breakout rooms)
    • Provide either the same or varying case studies to each group. Also provide guidance and expectations for the breakout activity. 
      • Use the Host join feature to move in and out of the breakout rooms to check in on progress. 
      • Return all students to the whole group and talk through the case study together, noting differences between groups. 
    • Role play: Assign roles within each group to work through a case study. An example of roles would be: patient, preceptor, nurse practitioner student, recorder. 
      • Use the Host join feature to move in and out of the breakout rooms to check in on progress. 
      • Return all students to the whole group and talk through the case study together, noting differences between groups.

Selecting settings when scheduling online Zoom meetings in Canvas

Meeting options:

  • Require meeting password: RECOMMENDED
    • Type in a random numeric password here (or if you have used this feature before, Zoom will generate a random numeric password for you)
  • Enable join before host: Optional
    • This will allow students to interact as needed/desired before you “begin” class
  • Mute participants upon entry: YES
    • This is to prevent any unwanted or accidental vocalization of things that are not intended for everyone
  • Use personal meeting ID (PMI): NOT RECOMMENDED
    • It is not recommended to use your personal meeting ID for Zoom sessions as this is a static number (like a phone number). 
  • Record the meeting automatically: NO
    • When scheduling a Zoom meeting in Canvas, make sure the “Record the meeting automatically” option is unchecked. If checked, recording will begin the moment you start a meeting. This could lead to unintended audio/video capture prior to content delivery. If you must record a meeting, remember to tell participants that recording will begin prior to starting the recording.