Beta Kappa Chapter of Sigma

Beta Kappa is a chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, the only international honor society of nursing. Our mission is to foster excellence, scholarship and leadership in nursing to improve healthcare worldwide.

Our Purpose
- Recognize superior nursing achievements
- Promote the development of leadership qualities
- Foster the ideals and standards of the profession
- Encourage creative activity and scholarship
- Mentor students to professional excellence
The annual deadline for membership applications is September 1. Questions? Email Samantha Hudgins.Membership Application
Beta Kappa chapter
Officers of the Beta Kappa chapter.
Officers 2024-2025:
- President: Malinda Whitlow
- Vice President: Mesha Jones
- Past President: Sharon Bragg
- Secretary: Tanya Thomas
- Treasurer: Emily Evans
- Counselor for UVA Wise: Cathie Collins
- Counselor for UVA: Samantha Hudgins
- Administrative Assistant: TBD
- Standing Committee Chairs 2021-202224-2025
- Membership: TBD
- Convention Delegates: Sharon Bragg & Malinda Whitlow
- Program: TBD
- Awards: TBD
- Newsletter Editor: TBD
- Research: Crystal Chu
- Heritage: TBD
- Fundraising: TBD
- Publicity: TBD
- Leadership Succession: Sharon Bragg
- Philanthropy: TBD
Standing Committee Chairs 2021-2022:
- Governance: Elizabeth Taliaferro-Jones
- Membership: TBD
- Convention Delegates: Sharon Bragg & Beth Hundt
- Eligibility (counselor): TBD
- Program: Gina DeGennaro
- Awards: Richard Ridge
- Newsletter Editor: TBD
- Research: Crystal Chu
- Heritage: Sarah Craig
- Fundraising: Clara Winfield
- Publicity: TBD
- Leadership Succession: Bethany Coyne
- Philanthropy: Clara Winfield
Distinguished Nurse Award
The purpose of this award is to recognize a nurse who receives local, national, or international recognition as a nursing leader; influences leadership in nursing through visionary and innovative approaches; creates an environment that enhances the image of nursing; and/or participates in the development of nursing leaders and leadership.
Community Service Award
This award recognizes community leaders who have influenced healthcare in the social, political, economic, or institutional arena. Criteria include endorsement and support from nursing, other health professionals, and community leaders; local, statewide, or national contributions as an advocate of nursing and healthcare; and contributions that significantly enhance the level of health or healthcare of the community.
Nan Hilt Excellence in Practice Award
This award was established in the name of Nancy Hilt, a nursing leader and strong supporter of creative and innovative nursing practice. The purpose of the award is to recognize the outstanding contributions of young professional nurses among the members of the Beta Kappa Chapter. To be eligible for this award, the candidate must:
- Be a member in good standing of the Beta Kappa Chapter of Sigma
- Demonstrate a broad range of advanced skills in nursing, which lead to excellence in the care of patients, develop innovative solutions to nursing problems, and serve as an effective mentor and role model to other nurses
- Influence policies and procedures that increase the quality of nursing care, uphold the highest ethical standards, and contribute to professional or community organizations
Nancy Ballard Scholarship Award
Nancy Ballard - a charter member of the Beta Kappa Chapter of Sigma - strongly supported scholarship. This award was established in her name to provide assistance towards scholarly pursuits by student members of the Beta Kappa Chapter. A $1,000 scholarship is given biennially. To be eligible for this award, the candidate must:
- be a member in good standing of the Beta Kappa Chapter of Sigma
- be invested in the development of nursing scholarship
- be a full- or part-time student pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in nursing
Selection is based on evidence of scholarship and academic achievement and a brief statement explaining your specific plans for the award money in the pursuit of your educational goals.
Research Dissemination Award
This award aims to help members pay for travel expenses to conferences when presenting their research findings. The award will be given twice annually for $500 each time. The member’s name, the title of the abstract, and the conference will be published in the Beta Kappa newsletter. To be eligible for this award, the applicant must
- be a member in good standing of the Beta Kappa Chapter of Sigma
- must present research at a regional, national, or international meeting
Individuals will be limited to one Research Dissemination Award within two yearsiod. Applications will be judged on the quality of the research design, the relevance of the research to nursing, and the involvement of the member in Beta Kappa activities. Paper presentations will be given priority over poster presentations.
Phyllis J. Verhonick Clinical Research Award
Phyllis J. Verhonick believed in the fundamental importance of clinical research in the practice of nursing. She was also committed to supporting the efforts of beginning nurse researchers. A Beta Kappa Chapter research fund was established in 1979 in Dr. Verhonick’s honor. This award provides a $1,000 grant to a nurse researcher to investigate clinical nursing problems. Recipients must be Beta Kappa members who propose a clinical nursing research study. Criteria for proposal evaluation include:
- Scientific merit of the proposed research study
- Relevance of the proposed research to nursing practice
- Beta Kappa activities of the investigator(s)
- Prior approval from appropriate human investigation or IRB committees
President's Scholarship
The Beta Kappa President's Scholarship recognizes outstanding academic achievement by student members of Beta Kappa Chapter in good standing who are matriculating at an accredited university nursing program. This scholarship award from the local chapter supports Sigma's global mission to foster excellence, scholarship, and leadership in nursing to improve healthcare. The fund provides $1,000 academic merit scholarships to individuals for tuition and/or fees incurred through their studies.
Farrell Award
This award was established to improve the lives of vulnerable populations by addressing health disparities through innovative technology solutions. The $2,500 award is granted to one nurse-led team which proposes a technology intervention to address health disparities.
Awards Committee, Richard Ridge, Chair
Research Awards Committee, Crystal Chu, Chair