What is Flipgrid?

Flipgrid is a video-discussion tool that allows participants to engage with each other via audio/video recordings. It is available on most platforms with a camera and microphone that can connect to the internet. Participants can post at anytime, eliminating the need for an arranged meeting time. Flipgrid is supported through central IT and has gone through the full review process.

Why use Flipgrid?

While there is a definite place for typed discussion boards within a course, there is also significance in having “face-to-face” discussions and moments of sharing. Flipgrid provides a platform for students to interact in a modified face- to-face environment where community and connection can continue to grow.

An added benefit is experience with using and interacting in a video-based environment, one that is becoming more prevalent in health care.

How do I create an account?

1. Using a browser (Chrome is recommended), navigate to https://flipgrid.com/ and create an educator account by clicking on Educator Signup.

Arrow pointing to the Educator Signup button on screenshot of the Flipgrid homepage.

2. Select Sign up with Microsoft. It is free to use and connects to your existing @virginia.edu email account. When you first use Flipgrid, you may be prompted to allow access to the camera and microphone. Please select “Allow” for both.

Screenshot of Educator Signup. Arrow pointing to educator signup option through Microsoft

3. You will be prompted to create your first Grid. This can be edited at any time, so don’t worry if you need to adjust later. Think of the Grid as the top level of the discussion board with individual topics being the individual discussions. Give your Grid a name and then select School Email.  When prompted to Create a Flip Code at the bottom, you can either use what is default or edit and make your own. Notice the green Available indicating it is not in use. This code is what students will use to access your discussions. When ready, click Next.

 Arrows pointing to fields when making a grid: name, type, school email, flip code.

4. You will receive an on-screen notice that your Grid is ready. You can copy and paste this link into Collab or an email to share with students. Click on Go to your Grid to add topics and explore the Grid options.

Screenshot of the page indicating that your grid is ready.